Watching this movie is like reading a book! This movie is thought provoking as it explores the dark side of us, what are we willing to do to get the things we want. The entire movie happens within a cafe, The Place.

The man sitting at the bar, day and night (brought to life by Valerio Mastandrea), gives directions to people who turn to him for advice on how to achieve their. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox.

The Place

Can Paolo Genovese follow up his masterpiece from last year? Is it possible to make two, consecutive, perfect films? Find out in this episode of Please. Режиссер: Паоло Дженовезе. В ролях: Валерио Мастандреа, Марко Джиаллини, Алессандро Борги и др. B рecтoрaнe зa oдним и тeм жe cтoликoм кaждый дeнь cидит тaинcтвeнный нeзнaкoмeц и oбeщaeт любoму oбрaтившeмуcя к нeму пoceтитeлю иcпoлнить eгo caмoe. Day and night he always sits in the same place at the end of a diner called "The Place". An elderly woman wants her husband to return home and start In conclusion, Paolo Genovese's "The Place" is a truly remarkable piece that will make every viewer feel comfortable, relaxed and trusted as if it was.

Trailer The Place

The Place

The Place

We end the movie with another young man on another motorbike, racing to avoid his fate, blissfully unaware the path he has chosen is most likely to take him to the very place he wants to avoid. It is a final shot of heartbreaking perfection. Shaking up the cinematic doldrums of early spring.

In the end, Place Beyond the Pines manages to illustrate the ravages of family and legacy almost as effectively as Blue Valentine did the ravages of romantic connection. However, the structure of the narrative (while ambitious), combined with an uneven cast of stronger/weaker characters, results in a. The characters have to be so vewwy quiet that when the floor creaks or someone bumps into a table, the soundtrack goes BANG. Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an exciting and thrill-seeking experience?