When Harper's two best friends tag along on her work trip to Barcelona, they ditch work and fly to Ibiza for Harper, who against her There are no featured audience reviews for Ibiza at this time. This movie was so much fun. It was laugh out loud funny, the cast had great chemistry, the storyline was silly and uncomplicated.

What starts off as a vacation movie, by the end, appears to be hanging by the hem of three moderately-developed. Three great female comedians plus EDM plus ecstasy don't make much of a "Ibiza" is a junk-food movie, the equivalent of empanadas and ranch dressing — which, yes, the. The last movie I watched is this new Netflix film called IBIZA.


I just watched it because a friend recommended it to me. I probably wouldn't have watched it on my own because the title and bio. Ibiza Movie Review: Netflix Comedy Charms With Parties And Punchlines. If Ibiza, a sweet and silly romantic comedy, was on the big screen, it might have pushed itself toward bigger gags. But the smaller scale works well in a genre that increasingly feels like a. Ibiza on Netflix is a fun movie about three friends binning off work and having a good time.

Trailer Ibiza



Ibiza is a raunchy comedy written by comedy icon Will Ferrell and his sidekick Adam McKay. Ibiza. Режиссер: Алекс Ричанбах. В ролях: Gwen Elizabeth Duchon, Джиллиан Джейкобс, Микейла Уоткинс и др. Нью-йоркская пиарщица Харпер (Джиллиан Джейкобс) отправляется в командировку в Барселону. Directed by Alex Richanbach, Ibiza is a welcome newbie in this movie tradition, ostensibly with nothing new to bring to the table.

But three excellent leads with effortless chemistry and a hilarious script. Ibiza - The Silent Movie is an ambitious project, a captivating crash course in the titular hotspot's geographical, political and social history. But it still demands an interest in its niche genre and music. Ibiza is supposed to be a romantic comedy (I think), but it lacks the necessary romantic energy to propel itself to the next level.