January is kicking us in the teeth with this mess of a Sci-fi starring Keanu Reeves. Here's my review of REPLICAS! #Replicas. "Replicas" is not without its laughs, even if they're at the expense of the film. Replicas Review: Keanu Can't Find the Ghost in the Machine.

Here is the review of Replicas Movie Review - Replicas Movie Review Rating, can see the Runtime, Genre - cast and crew with Certificate. John, from a story by Stephen Hamel. The film tells the story of a neuroscientist who violates the law and bioethics to bring his family members back to life after they die in a car accident.


Replicas is more of a drama and even a romance in a certain light. This is, above all, a love story about a man who would. Replicas movie is based on a story by Stephen Hamel. The movie is about the story of a biologist who violates all possible laws and principles in order to bring his family members back to life. Replicas is chock-full of histrionic what-ifs that seem to hyperventilate so hard in their delivery that they don't have enough oxygen to actually blow anyone's mind. Replicas lacks vigor in its plot, intelligence in its science, depth in its ethics, and humanity all around.

Trailer Replicas



After a car accident kills his loving family, a daring neuroscientist will Replicas Movie. The much anticipated Sci-Fi thriller written by Chad St. I'd say Replicas, it's a good weekend movie.

In the opening scene of the new sci-fi thriller Replicas, a male corpse is wheeled into a laboratory. 'Replicas' Review: Keanu Reeves' Awful Cloning Thriller Is a Hilarious Mess. "Replicas" is a cloning thriller so carelessly stupid that it often feels like a mad science experiment gone wrong. Replicas movie review: Director Jeffrey Nachmanoff squanders most of his time filming some futuristic science that has Keanu Reeves moving his hands about a lot as a virtual map of presumably a brain. Genre(s): Science Fiction, Suspense/Thriller, Drama Lionsgate Replicas has changed release dates multiple times.