Guy Ritchie's "The Gentlemen" plays like a tall tale, a yarn heard at the corner pub, filled with exaggerations and embellishments, where the storyteller expects you to pay his bar tab at the end. And maybe you won't mind doing so. The narrator here is a conniving unscrupulous private detective.

Parents need to know that The Gentlemen is a Guy Ritchie-directed crime-action movie about a very cool drug supplier named Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey). Rated R for language, casual slurs and gun violence. Ritchie returns to the crime genre and does so masterfully.

The Gentlemen

There are a few directors around who specialise in this but Ritchie is right near the top. The cast in 'The Gentlemen' is admittedly fantastic, but it doesn't change the fact that they are an absolute treat to watch. Боевик, комедия, криминал. Режиссер: Гай Ричи. В ролях: Мэттью МакКонахи, Чарли Ханнэм, Генри Голдинг и др. Один ушлый американец ещё со студенческих лет приторговывал наркотиками. The Gentlemen Review: A Wildly Clever & Stylish Ride From Guy Ritchie. The Gentlemen script features a rare blend of smartly woven mystery and drama, with Ritchie setting the stakes high in the very first scene of the movie, then paying it off over the course of Fletcher's story and what happens. 'The Gentlemen': Film Review. People will say The Gentlemen is a return to form, which suggests Ritchie has triumphantly come full circle. You'll find this hard to believe, but Matthew McConaughey used to make movies about stuff other than drugs.

Trailer The Gentlemen

The Gentlemen

The Gentlemen

Guy Ritchie returns to gangster movie territory with The Gentlemen, starring Matthew McConaughey and Hugh Grant. Fletcher has fashioned the events into a movie script (named 'Bush') and his pitch sees him as an unreliable narrator — embellishing bits, rewinding bits. Matthew McConaughey and Charlie Hunnam in The Gentlemen.

You could trace an arc of Guy Ritchie's life through the gangster movies he has spent half his career making — six in total. Review for the film " The Gentlemen". The Gentleman is a mixture of action and comedy with some talented actors who delivered excellent performances. The movie is definitely worth watching.